Every Home for Life Animal Has a Story: Eva Noth Photography

In mid-October, Home for Life welcomed photographer Eva Noth to the sanctuary for a warm fall afternoon and our latest sponsor  photo session. Eva, who donated her time and talent to support Home for Life's sponsorship program, is a Twin Cities  photographer who focuses on pet portraits. Her unique approach strives to tell the story of each animal whose pictures she captures. So many of our supporters have told us that what they love are the stories of our animals, what they have been through and overcome and how they are now flourishing at Home for Life.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: The Photos of Seen But Not Heard Photography

Photographer Chris Forslin of the Twin Cities, Minnesota first encountered Home for Life at the Mall of America during the years we had our Holiday events. As a lifelong animal lover and gifted photographer, she was eager to help Home for Life, and our sponsorship program seemed like the perfect opportunity for her to get involved. We were eager to have her out to Home for Life after seeing the incredible photos she did of the animals at the Minnesota Zoo.

Home for Life featured on Buzzfeed

Home for Life's incredible animals were featured in an article on Buzzfeed! Sami Main, a writer for Buzzfeed, saw some wonderful photos taken by Mark Luinenburg that showed the animals enjoying life to the fullest, and decided to write an article on them titled "Fourteen pets who don't let anything get them down." The animals at Home for Life are an inspiration, and we were happy to see that their courage and determination was noticed. 

Who wouldn't notice how cute they are! Please check out the Buzzfeed article here!


Picture This: The Elegant Photography of Karin Newstrom

We have long admired the photography of Karin Newstrom of the Twin Cities. You may recognize her work from the photos she has taken on behalf of  dogs and cats  from two Minneapolis  rescues who focus on adoption;  Second Hand Hounds and  Ruff Start Rescue.  She has a fun, yet sophisticated approach to capturing the heart and soul of each animal she photographs. She and her wonderful husband, Jeff, spent a sunny, winter day with us at Home for Life last month, March, photographing our animals for our sponsor program.

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